Make sight word practice fun by turning it into an indoor snowball fight! This has to be one of our most fun move and learn activities yet!
Sight Word Snowball Fight Instructions:
- Write the sight words you want to practice on different sheets of scrap paper. Choose a mix of known and new words to keep it fun.
- Scrunch up the paper into “snowballs”.
- Divide the kids into two teams. We played boy vs girls.
- Throw the paper snowballs at each other! If you get hit you can open a snowball and read the word to stay in the game.
- Smile, laugh, and have fun!
They used the couch for cover so it was harder to actually hit each other with the snowball than I had thought. To get in more word practice I randomly yelled out “Freeze!” and had them read one of the snowball words to get unfrozen and keep playing.
My preschooler couldn’t read the sight words so we had her tell us the letter the word began or ended with instead. You could play with letters, numbers, vocabulary words, or anything else your kids need to practice!
More Sight Word Practice Activities:
- Sight Word Cup Crash
- Sight Word Soccer
- Light Saber Sight Word Game
- Sight Word Ghost Zappers
- Sight Word Swim
The other Move and Learn co-hosts were busy putting together Move and Learn Activitiesfor kids this week too, make sure to check them out!
Other Ways to Move & Learn this week:
- Christmas Music Workout with Kids from Toddler Approved
- Sight Word Jump and Grab from Hands On: As We Grow
- Christmas Colors for Toddlers from The Pleasantest Thing
- Check out all our Move & Learn activities
- Lots of ideas on our Pinterest board!
You have the best sight word games!
Thanks Mama Smiles!!! 🙂
I just love this game, and I know my son would get such a kick out of it. We’re going to have to try it this week!!! 🙂
Mary Catherine be warned it is very addicting! 😉
This is so clever, Megan! I love how you adapted it for your preschooler.
Love this idea! I am featuring it this week in the After School Linky!
Awesome fun idea for sight words. I support any fun ideas when it comes to learning for kids.
Thanks Tiffany!!!! Me too!