We are participating in the Love Books exchange, organized by The Educators’ Spin On It, this summer. I was so excited to hear that we were paired up with Play Dr. Mom and even more excited when we found out what she and her family had sent us!They know we love doing acts of kindness so they sent us the book Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You
and book activities all about love and kindness to go with it!
I hadn’t read this book yet, but my preschoolers had read it at school and were so excited! My 7 year old and I enjoyed it just as much and I would definitely recommend it. (I’ll warn you, it’s one of those sweet stories that makes you tear up when you are a parent though!)
Kindness Activity: Draw Love
After we had read the story Play Dr. Mom sent us some questions to discuss:
1. What color is love?
2. What shape is love?
3. How does love sound?
4. What smells make you think of love?
5. What does love feel like?
Then we got out the art supplies they sent us and drew a picture of love!
One of my favorite parts of our discussion was that love felt like a firework with a heart in the middle and I love that we have a tangible part of our conversation to save forever!
Kindness Activity: Create a Wall of LOVE
Along with the book and art supplies we received a package of hear shaped post-it notes to use to make a Wall of LOVE! When we thought of something we loved about another family member we wrote or drew it on a post-it and stuck it on the wall.
This is a great kindness activity for families! The kids really liked to think of things to write about each other and I loved that we were focusing on the positive aspects of our family.
We loved our Love Books activity and hope that Play Dr. Mom’s family had just as much fun with the spider book activities we sent to them! Visit her site to see what they did!
Make sure to visit the Educators’ Spin On It’s Love Books page or the Pinterest board to see all of the other participants’ book activities!
What a perfect box to send to you and your kids! I can’t wait to read this book and do this ideas with my girls, especially in the summer when there is a little bit of bickering going on. Thanks Megan for participating in the Summer Book Exchange! Can’t wait to see what you sent!
I know!!! We were thrilled!!! Play Dr. Mom is awesome!!! I can’t wait to check out the rest of the activities! Thanks for organizing Kim!
Wow! It turned out fabulous. I’m so glad you had a good time with it. Great post! Hoping to finish up our post today!
It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! Thank you so much!!!!
What a thoughtful project! I love the idea of a love wall!!
I agree Trisha! Play Dr. Mom came up with the perfect book activity!
This is such a cute idea for fostering love and kindness. I’d love it if you would share on our Magic Moment’s Monday Link-up! www(dot)playlearnlove(dot)com/2013/07/magic-moments-monday-week-3