Calming bubble bath? Yes, please! Even though I love a nice relaxing bubble bath it is usually the kids that get to enjoy them at my house right now. Bubble baths can be fun for all ages.
Recently we have been looking to add more natural products to our lives. After a little research I found we could make our own natural lavender bubble bath. This DIY bubble bath is easy enough to have the kids help make. It is also kid approved for bath time.
DIY Bubble Bath
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Bubble Bath Ingredients
- liquid castile soap
- vegetable glycerin (similar to this one
- warm water- I suggest distilled
- lavender essential oil (or your favorite scent)
- several measuring cups
- glass soap bottle
How to Make Bubble Bath
We wanted to make enough to fill our glass bottle. By the way, I was looking for a plastic bottle so as not to worry that the kids would break it. However, I found a glass one that would work great so I got it. I plan to keep this out of their reach so the bottle doesn’t break. If I had more time to search for a bottle or container I would have preferred plastic to leave out for them to use.
We used the large measuring cup with the pour spout to mix the bubble bath in. This way we could pour into our bottle at the end. My son helped me add 1 cup castile soap and 1/2 cup vegetable glycerin to the 1 cup warm water already in the measuring cup.
He then went crazy with the lavender essential oil while I tried to take a picture. So I am not sure just how much he added. I would say 10 drops or more. I would probably start with 8-10 and see how it smells if you make this.
Now for the fun part to take a bubble bath in our new natural lavender bubble bath! Of course the kids got to test it out first. I hope to sneak one next weekend when daddy is home to help with the kids. Until then, this bubble bath gets the kids’ thumbs up.
***Depending on the hardness of your water castille soap may not be “bubbly” in a bath. You can still enjoy all the relaxing, clean benefits without the bubbles if your house has hard water.
In the summer there is nothing better than a soothing bubble bath after a long day playing in the sun or swimming in the pool.
Here are even more homemade recipes you can use this summer!
Bee Sting Soother // Bug Repellant Bracelet
DIY Bubble Bath // All Natural Bug Spray
In most people’s water, the “hardness” in a tubful is enough to prevent castile soap from bubbling.
Good to know! Even if that is a bummer. I will add a note to the post.