You want to raise kind kids who care about others.You want to slow down and be more present during the holiday season.You want to make Christmas memories that your kids will look back on with a smile.You just want to finish your Christmas shopping before Christmas Eve.Feel like you should be focusing more on spreading kindness with your kids but don't know how to fit it all in?The answer could be as simple as downloading a free printable Random … [Read more...]
Easy Thanksgiving Corn Craft for Preschool Kids
Thanksgiving is a great time to slow down and connect with your children. We love to spend the month focusing on gratitude with our thankfulness tree and making memories together. My kids love to do crafts especially holiday ones and this corn craft is a simple one I came up with last year to do at the preschool Thanksgiving feast. The beauty of this craft is that as long as your kids are past the stage where they put everything in their mouth (I … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Math Puzzles
While I'm sure not many kids are thankful for math I do hope they will be loving these Thanksgiving Math Puzzles. Math should be fun and these crossword, well cross-number puzzles are a perfect example of how you can make it fun for the kids. Printable Thanksgiving Math Puzzles These are perfect to put on the table while the kids are waiting for the Thanksgiving dinner as they will keep them busy and have them practice basic addition and … [Read more...]
An Easy Way to Teach Kids to be Grateful
Teaching kids how to be kind and grateful is so much harder than just telling them to share and be polite. It takes daily effort, but simple acts add up and it's much easier to fit into your life than you think. In our house we focus on acts of kindness after having had a really profound experience counting down to Christmas with random acts of Christmas kindness a few years ago. I knew it would be "good" for all of us at the time, but I really … [Read more...]
Delivery Driver Lotto Ticket Thank You Printables
Delivery drivers are some of the real rock stars of the year! We wanted to something nice to thank all the drivers who were coming to our house this month. As we were discussing how lucky we were to have them we decided lotto tickets would be the perfect way to say thanks. We created 3 different free printable delivery driver thank you signs that you can download and print to use at your house too. Printable has been updated for 2021 when you … [Read more...]
2020 Random Acts of Kindness Christmas Calendar
Doing 24 random acts of Christmas kindness is the best way to count down to Christmas! Even in 2020. Yes, things may look a little different. Yes, some of the more fun ideas may have to wait until another time. But there are still so many ways you can spread a kindness in your community this year! Making Acts of Kindness Safe for 2020 So many things have had to be adapted or changed this year and RACKs are no different. If you … [Read more...]
Make ABC Practice Fun with a Christmas Stocking Game
There's no denying that the holiday season is here. What better way to combine the excitement of Christmas than with this Christmas Stocking Game that's full of ABC Practice Fun. Not only does it get your toddler working on their fine motor skills and creativity, but it also has them creating and then using what they've made as well. So many times there are things that children whip up and leave sitting on the shelf. Not this ABC Practice … [Read more...]
These Homemade Ornaments Will Make You Smile for Years
Homemade Play Dough Ornaments are the best. Not only do you and your child get to spend time creating together, but then you'll have something to show for it by hanging them on your tree. Buying ornaments at the store is fine, but I can honestly say that creating and crafting together as a family tops buying them any old day. Plus, these ornaments are great for a wide variety of ages. Early learners up to adults can have fun creating their very own … [Read more...]