We are excited to join with some bloggy friends to Go Red for Women today with the American Heart Association!
Heart disease is the #1 killer of women and today people and groups around the country are spreading the message about the risks by wearing red and sharing information.
Having a healthy heart is something we care a lot about in our family. My oldest was born with a ventrical septal defect, the wall between the left and right ventricles in her heart didn’t close completely and she was left with holes in her heart. She had to be closely monitored by a pediatric cardiologist, but thankfully the holes are closing up on their own and she can participate in all normal sports and activities without any restrictions. Then 4 years later my youngest was born with ASD, pretty much the same condition, but she had a hole in the upper chambers of her heart. She only had one small hole and is going to be totally fine too, but situations like these make you realize how easy it is to take your heart for granted.
As moms we don’t always take enough time for ourselves and our health. Life gets so busy that it’s easy to put off our own needs to take care of everyone else. That’s why days like this are so important.
So stop today for 10 minutes and focus on your health.
Visit the American Heart Association page and find out your Heart Score.
Remind a friend to make that long overdue dr appt.
Get outside and take a walk with your kids.
- Make an appt for blood work
Stock up on heart healthy food.
- Wear red and spread the message
I have people in my life who need me to not only be healthy, but to model for them how important it is to make health a priority. These little people are going to grow up to be busy moms and dads somedays and I do not want them putting their health needs off. So today I am taking the time to model healthy choices so that my kids have a mom around for a long time. And that they learn to do the same when they are adults so that my grandkids have healthy moms and dads too.
Will you join in too? There are so many ways to Go Red today.
See what the other co-hosts are doing:
Kim @ The Educators' Spin Ont It says
Thank you so much Megan for joining our Go Red for Women Blog Hop! I love the idea of sharing Red Hot Playdough with your neighbors with a little reminder to be Heart Smart! We ended up in the pediatric cardiologist when our daughter was born having a ultrasound of her heart for a similar situation. Our hearts are so very precious and I’m so grateful that modern medicine is helping us to understand how to treat them.
Megan Sheakoski says
Thanks Kim! I love this idea! And I love all of the stuff you and Amanda do on your blog! Thanks for including me!