Getting your preschooler ready for kindergarten math doesn’t have to be time consuming or involve a lot of preparation. Adding some math practice into everyday activities, like snack time, is the best way to get kids learning and having fun!
Kids enter kindergarten with a variety of math skills such as:
1. Being able to count
2. Understanding how many objects are in a group
3. Recognizing and writing numbers
4. Following simple math patterns
5. Sorting objects into groups
No child is expected to be able to do all of those perfectly–don’t worry! They will work on them during kindergarten math, but starting to develop these skills before they get there will help set them up for success. Math is best learned in a hands on way and one of our favorite ways to make it hands on is with snacks!
Snack Time Math Activities
1. Count your food. So simple and can be done anywhere. Teachers are looking for kids to be able to count to 31 (all of the days in a month) so having them count out 31 raisins or blueberries is a great way to practice both counting and calendar skills.
2. Make groups. In the photo above I wrote some numbers on a paper plate and asked my 5 year old to put a pile of goldfish crackers on the corresponding number. This helps kids to understand that each number represents a set group of items. Once kids can understand this you can teach them to “count on” and add more to their group.
3. Make numbers out of cooked spaghetti. Recognizing and forming numbers can be difficult for preschool kids. Giving them cooked spaghetti and having them form a number you tell or show them is much more fun then rote number practice.
4. Make snack patterns. Being able to identify and complete simple math patterns is a kindergarten math skill. Showing kids how to make patterns with their snacks helps them develop this skill. You may have to model it at first, but eventually they will be able to figure out which snack would come next and create their own.
5. Sort and graph your snacks. This one is a perennial favorite at my house! Give the kids a snack mix and have them sort them into groups. Then take each of the groups and graph them on a plate. This works on so many math skills and is fun for both big and little kids.
Thank you to My Cute Graphics for the use of this superhero kids graphic.
This post is part of our Get Ready for K Through PLAY! series where a group of bloggers share weekly ideas that you can do to help get your child ready for kindergarten. Check out the Kindergarten math readiness activities shared by the other hosts:
Fostering Kindergarten Math Skills from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Post It Math Games from Mess for Less
Math Fun in the Pool from Toddler Approved
Three Playful Ways to Learn Math from Mama Smiles
Number Prints from Rainy Day Mum
And catch up on my other Get Ready for K Through PLAY! posts: Teacher Says! Listening Game, Language Experience Stories post and 3 Independents Skills {You May Not Realize} Your Child Needs for Kindergarten.
Next week we’ll all be back sharing activities to develop the books, reading and literature skills needed for Kindergarten!
In the meantime be sure to follow our Get Ready for K Through PLAY! Pinterest Board for a huge collection of Kindergarten readiness activities!
We’ve never used snacks to make patterns – great idea! Love this post! 🙂
Thanks Mary Anne! My kids love snack time so I try to pack as much learning into as I can!
We have done a little bit of counting with snacks. You have lots of fun ways to practice counting and patterns. I just retweeted your post.
Thanks so much Theresa! Learning with snacks is so fun and motivating for kids!
Combining math with snack sounds like a hit!