This month’s Virtual Book Club for Kids author is Mo Willems. We love Mo Willems here and ended up reading, and rereading, 4 of his books last week–The Pigeon Wants a Puppy, The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog, Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed, and Pigs Make Me Sneeze! Such great reads, we definitely recommend all of them!
Once of the most reread books was Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed. It’s the story of a naked mole rat who likes to wear clothes. In fact he likes to wear clothes so much he opened his own shop. His clothes-wearing makes the other mole rats very uncomfortable and they take the issue to Grand-pah for consideration. You’ll have to read it yourself to see how it ends, but I will go out on a limb and predict you’ll love it.
They loved the idea of the naked mole rat getting dressed and wanted to make their own mole rat to dress up. The 6 year old drew a naked mole rat on construction paper and we laminated it so we could reuse it.
Then the kids got to work! They made tons of play dough clothes and accessories for our naked mole rat. Including a light saber!
After they had all the socks and sandwiches and shirts and light sabers they needed it was time to dress him up!
They used the play dough props to reenact parts of the story and to role play how the mole rat should react to his friends when they don’t like that he wears clothes. All without any prompting from me.
Doing crafts and activities to go along with a book not only increases your child’s enjoyment of the story it helps develop their comprehension skills and allows them to better internalize the author’s message. The activities don’t have to be elaborate or “pinnable”, it’s the simple activities that are can be the most loved. Especially, when kids are given the chance to do them over and over and over again.
Make sure to check it out to see all of the Mo Willems book and activity ideas that other bloggers come up with this month!
This is awesome! What a creative idea AND a fun way to incorporate the playdough pledge too! I actualy haven’t read this book yet, but will need to find it and then try your activity with my son. He would love it. Thanks so much for linking up to the Mo Willems blog hop this month!
We love Mo Willems so it was lots of fun to participate! And I do think you would like the book–it is one of my favorites. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Love this idea! Do you think your 6 year old would come draw one for me? She did a much better job then I think I could do!
Ha! She probably would! I was pretty impressed with how she did too. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Absolutely adorable! I love the combination of art and play dough. So glad you shared this! Going to pin it!
Thanks! We are very exciting about participating in the virtual book club this summer! And have had a blast with the first author! He has been a favorite around here this last kindergarten year. So glad you stopped by!
Love your use of play dough and connection to the book. We really enjoy the naked mole rats, too. I think we’ll have to pull out some play dough and help them get dressed.
Definitely! So easy and fun! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Love this activity, I’ve shared it on my Blog FB page.
Thanks so much for sharing! And visiting! We’ve had quite a lot of fun with our naked mole rat!
This is awesome! I love the reusable mat, and how play dough was incorporated to make some seriously stylish designs. Sharing this on our FB page 🙂
Thanks so much! They had a blast with it and already have plans for more characters to make clothes for! Thanks so much for stopping by!