We love science experiments for kids, especially when they involve candy!
We’ve done a bunch of candy science experiments, like our conversation heart one, and it never gets old. With Easter coming Peeps are everywhere so we decided to torture do some Easter science experiments with them.
Peeps Easter Science Experiments for Kids
We decided to see what would happen when we added water, heat and coldness to them. And the results were pretty cool!
Before we began I created a PEEPs Experiment Sheet for the kids to make predictions, record their observations and draw conclusions with. Sometimes having an official “experiment recording sheet” motivates them more than just writing about what happened in their science journals.
If you want to use it too you can DOWNLOAD IT HERE—>> PEEPs Experiment Sheet
I gave each of the kids a cup of water and asked them to predict what they thought would happen when they put the Peeps in it. We talked about whether or not it would sink or float and if the Peep would dissolve.
They recorded their predictions and observations on the Peeps Experiment Sheet. We discussed what they saw and they wrote their conclusions on the sheet.
Next we added heat! The kids went through the same process to make a prediction and then we put the Peeps in the microwave. If you’ve never put a marshmallow or Peep in the microwave before it is pretty cool.
The heat makes the air in the marshmallow expand and it puffs up and grows before your eyes. We put ours in for about a minute and then they recorded their observations and conclusions on the sheet.
Finally it was time to put the Peeps in the freezer. The kids made their predictions and then we put them in the freezer. We left them in there for an hour and then checked to see what happened. The kids noted that they had shrunk a little bit and were harder.
They recorded their observations and concluded that if the heat made the air molecules spread out then the cold must make them get closer together.
There are a lot of things to learn from Peeps!
Don’t let the fun and discovery stop there!
We have TONS of science experiments your kids will love on our Super Cool Science Experiments for Kids page!
Take me to the experiments –> Super Cool Science Experiments for Kids
this is a very cool idea!!!