One of my kindergartener’s favorite ways to practice reading is with our whisper readers. A whisper reader is like a little “phone” kids can whisper read into and hear their words amplified in their ears. It is a great way to build fluency and it lots of fun to use!
Yep. That is PVC piping you’re looking at! Whisper readers are super easy to make–all you have to do is connect two 1 1/2 inch corners together.
Re-reading text helps kids build fluency skills and a whisper reader makes re-reading a lot more fun!
Linking to some of my favorite parties:
This is crazy cool! I’m thinking it will help our daughter and son with their Spanish pronunciation!
Absolutely! These are definitely one of our favorite learning tools because they can be used in tons of ways!
Oooh, this is totally new to me and I can’t wait to try it out once my kids start reading. Brilliant!
We get so much use out of our whisper readers! They are out daily for reading, pretend play, taken apart and added into their “creations”…I love when a simple and cheap product does so much! And just wait until you little ones start reading–it’s amazing! Hearing your whisper magnified in your ear helps with decoding, fluency, confidence, and those times when they just don’t have any people, pets, or dolls available to read with! Thanks for stopping by!
Whoa! This is such a cool idea! My son not only loves anything pvc pipe.. he is also learning how to read. This is fantastic and I can’t wait to make this for him. Great idea!!
We get SO MUCH use out of ours! There are really tons of ways to use a Whisper Reader for reading and pretend play. My 6 and almost 4 year old even took all of our phones about and reconnected them to make a pipeline where the older one could whisper read right into her brother’s ear! You will be amazed at the amount of use you get out of a $2 “toy” from the hardware store! Thanks for visiting!
Wow, this is so cool. Our daughter just read her first book yesterday! I’m sending this to my hubby to see how quickly he can get us one! Thanks for posting 🙂
Yay!!! What a fun milestone that is!!! The whisper readers are the simplest thing ever and totally awesome. I think she’ll enjoy hearing herself read like that!