This is the season that the snow starts to fly! We love to fill our windows with tons of paper snowflakes each winter. These snowflake kites came about when we were making a bunch of paper snowflakes one day, and my Little Guy (age 3) said, “What if snowflakes were kites in the sky?” We thought about it and decided that miniature frozen kites would be pretty amazing. We decided to make a batch of our own!
Of course, Mom had to add a learning twist to our snowflakes, and we make ours with a shape matching activity too!
Paper Snowflake Shapes Activity
Start with your favorite pair of scissors and a piece of white paper. We used printer paper, but snowflakes are fun to create with many different materials besides paper; Try coffee filters, cupcake liners, newspaper, or fabric.
Fold the paper into triangles and cut the shapes. Because we made shape snowflakes, I cut one shape per snowflake. Snip your shapes onto the folds of the paper. Remember that when you open the snowflake, the shape will be double the size if it is cut onto a fold. If it’s cut onto an edge, you will have half of a shape.
We made triangles, rectangles, and circles in our snowflakes.
Big Sister (age 7) needed some heart action, too.
Shape Identification with Paper Snowflakes
Save those scraps! Now is the mom-wants-us-to-learn part of the craft. We sorted the scrap pieces into piles of shapes. Little Sister (age 3) really got into this part of the activity.
She sorted the shapes into piles and we worked on shape identification as she sorted. She needed a little help with some of the shapes. Like calling the circles instead of “ornaments”. She might have Christmas on the brain.
We used thread and glued the shape scraps on a long strand of thread. You cold use other things besides thread, like ribbon, string, or fabric. Big Sister made her snowflake kite using pink yarn. Add a small bit of glue right at the fold of the shape scrap pieces. “Sandwich” the thread between the two shapes.
We hung our snowflake kites on the wall and are having fun imagining real snowflakes as miniature kites! Such a perfect snowflake shapes activity for winter.
The Sugar Aunts are three sisters who blog about
all things creative in motherhood. They love playful learning, creative kid’s crafts, sensory and fine motor activities, kid’s party themes, DIY, and so much more. Between the three Aunts, there are 6 cousins (with more on the way!) who are around each other so often, they are more like siblings than cousins! You can see the action at Follow along on Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Instagram.
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