Homemade Play Dough Ornaments are the best. Not only do you and your child get to spend time creating together, but then you'll have something to show for it by hanging them on your tree. Buying ornaments at the store is fine, but I can honestly say that creating and crafting together as a family tops buying them any old day. Plus, these ornaments are great for a wide variety of ages. Early learners up to adults can have fun creating their very own … [Read more...]
Christmas Book and Bear Ornament Craft
The kids and I love to make homemade ornaments! They have Christmas trees in their bedrooms full of the ornaments they have made over the years and love to reminisce about making each one. One of our favorite Christmas books is Bear Stay Up for Christmas by Karma Wilson so it was fitting to make a bear ornament to go along with the story! We made the ornaments out of salt dough which is a great activity for preschoolers. They get to mix and bake … [Read more...]
DIY Reindeer Handprint Ornament Craft for Kids
Part of the fun of making your own Christmas ornaments with your kids is getting the chance to reminisce about them each year as you decorate your tree. I especially love seeing how the handprint crafts change each year as the kids get older. This handprint reindeer ornament was one of the very first kid-made ornaments that my oldest made when she was just a toddler and it is still a favorite to this day! Reindeer Handprint Ornament: brown … [Read more...]
Random Acts of Kindness and Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments
To spread kindness to our neighbors this year I had big plans for all the cute, fun things we could make. I had visions of pinterest-worthy crafts to show our neighbors just how much we appreciated them. And then tragedy struck Sandy Hook Elementary last week and beautiful creations no longer seemed to be what our neighbors needed. Our local elementary school was in partial lock down all week. Parents could not walk their kids to their classrooms … [Read more...]
Christmas Fun: Holiday Ornament Exchange
The holidays are filled with exchanges...cookie exchanges, gift exchanges and ornament exchanges! We took part in the Christmas Ornament Challenge and Exchange hosted by Red Ted Art, Inspired by Family Mag, The Imagination Tree, and Mom to 2 Post Lil Divas and got a beautiful ornament in the mail! We were paired with All about the Whites who sent us this gorgeous Fabric Ornament Ball! Head to her site to see the instructions and check out her fun … [Read more...]
Christmas Craft for Kids: Family Tree with Mini-Ornaments
We had so much fun doing my son's preschool's "family homework" last week! They sent home a large green sheet of paper and asked each family to create a Christmas tree to be displayed at the school. When we were talking about what our family should do the kids were adamant that we each make our own mini-ornament to put on the tree--which I thought was a great idea! At first we were going to try and glue string bead necklaces (we have tons that we … [Read more...]
Christmas Kids Craft: Homemade Snowflake Ornaments
The trees are up in the kids bedrooms and they are ornament obsessed! They decorate their bedrooms trees with homemade ornaments each year and have been asking to make more ornaments since we made our angel ornaments last week. So yesterday we made popsicle stick snowflake ornaments! We started by gluing three craft sticks on top of each other (above) to form the snowflake shape. We used these funky shaped ones we had leftover from making mini … [Read more...]
Christmas Kids Craft: Angel Ornament and Picture Book
The Tomie dePaola book we chose for this month's Virtual Book Club for Kids, Country Angel Christmas, got us into the Christmas spirit a little early this year! The kids loved the story and asked me read it to them multiple times this weekend. It is a beautifully illustrated tale of the year the country angels planned the Christmas celebration. The older angels were busy making preparations, but there seemed to be nothing left for the three … [Read more...]