This festive and fun jingle bell word family sort is sure to be a hit with your children this Christmas season. It's a great activity for beginning readers, or use it with more advanced readers to practice new words. Jingle Bell Word Family Sort We have been working on word families lately. We started with -at words in our Room on the Broom Race to Learn -at Words. Aiden requested to learn -ap words next. We thought of all of the -ap words we … [Read more...]
Polar Bear Activity and Cupcakes
Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin Jr. is one of my kids' favorites books! The repetitive text and animal sounds make it especially appealing to preschoolers. There are so many fun ways you can play and learn with the story that we just had to choose it for this month's Virtual Book Club for Kids! The story is very similar to his Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? book except that instead of seeing a new animal on each … [Read more...]
Gross Motor Phonics Game: Walk the Word
Kindergarten readiness skills include letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and phonics skills. If your child can already recognize letters and can hear and say letter sounds then you may be wondering what types of phonics activities you should be doing with him. The truth is that you don't really need to do anything other than reading together every day, but if your child is ready to start reading playing phonics games can be both fun and … [Read more...]
Acts of Kindness for Kids: Create a LOVE Wall
We are participating in the Love Books exchange, organized by The Educators' Spin On It, this summer. I was so excited to hear that we were paired up with Play Dr. Mom and even more excited when we found out what she and her family had sent us!They know we love doing acts of kindness so they sent us the book Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You and book activities all about love and kindness to go with it! I hadn't read this book yet, but my … [Read more...]
No Bake Dog Treats Book and Cook Activity
This month's Virtual Book Club for Kids author, David Shannon, was completely new to us so we went to the library to check out of bunch of his books. Good Boy, Fergus! was the house favorite and we had a lot of fun doing a dog themed kids activity to go along with it. The kids really enjoyed Fergus, the canine main character, because he reminded them of our dogs and how they sometimes act...especially out in public! We love book and cook … [Read more...]
Gruffalo Puppet Kids Book Activity
We are quite excited to learn more about Julia Donaldson, March's Virtual Book Club for Kids author. We own and love her book The Gruffalo and came up with a fun kids activity to go with it...homemade Gruffalo puppets! In The Gruffalo, a little mouse uses his wit to outsmart the many animals in the forest who are trying to eat him. My kids love rooting for the underdog while listening to the lyrical writing. Even my oldest, who can easily read … [Read more...]
David McPhail Book Activities for Children
This month's Virtual Book Club for Kids author, David McPhail, was new to us so I am super excited to see all of the fun book activities for children featuring his work that everyone is linking up. We checked out many of his books from the library, but the one we had the most fun with was Piggy's Pancake Parlor (Action Packs). Piggy's Pancake Parlor is the story of a little pig who is taken in by a farmer family. Mrs. Farmer teaches him how to … [Read more...]
Fun Kids Craft: Upcycled Gingerbread House
This month's author for the Virtual Book Club for Kids is Jan Brett! We checked out a bunch of her books from our library and have had lots of fun reading them. My littlest one turns 3 on Saturday and is having a gingerbread themed party so, of course, the two Jan Brett books that got the most love were Gingerbread Baby and Gingerbread Friends! In Gingerbread Baby, Matti is a little boy who uses a special recipe to make his own Gingerbread Baby who … [Read more...]