Having kids does not have to stop you from doing community service, there are many ways you can serve with your kids!
This week during my Acts of Kindness for Kids series on Google Plus I got to chat with three moms who have turned random acts of kindness into a fun and meaningful family activity.
Bethany Winston and Susan McClure from Kidding Around Greenville, SC are using their local blog to spread kindness in their community. They have started the Make Greenville Smile campaign to “fill their city with smiles while practicing random acts of kindness.” They are passing out Make Greenville Smile cards, started a community garden, and are helping make the world a better place by introducing a culture of kindness to families in their town.
Mari Tuten from Inspired by Family Mag did lots of community service before she had kids, but at first wasn’t able to figure out how to keep going with little ones at home. Until she changed her thinking and decided to include her kids in service and teach them about kindness and giving at the same time. Now she and her kids pass out heart stones and hand out brown bag lunches to the hungry.
Watch the video to find out how they teach their kids about kindness through whole family activities and visit their blogs for more info!
And make sure to circle me on G+ to join in on all the fun we are having over there!
Next up for the Acts of Kindness series will be some of your favorite kids activity bloggers sharing some crafty kindness for the Earth ideas for Earth Day. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
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