Thanksgiving is a great time to slow down and connect with your children. We love to spend the month focusing on gratitude with our thankfulness tree and making memories together. My kids love to do crafts especially holiday ones and this corn craft is a simple one I came up with last year to do at the preschool Thanksgiving feast. The beauty of this craft is that as long as your kids are past the stage where they put everything in their mouth (I … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Math Puzzles
While I'm sure not many kids are thankful for math I do hope they will be loving these Thanksgiving Math Puzzles. Math should be fun and these crossword, well cross-number puzzles are a perfect example of how you can make it fun for the kids. Printable Thanksgiving Math Puzzles These are perfect to put on the table while the kids are waiting for the Thanksgiving dinner as they will keep them busy and have them practice basic addition and … [Read more...]
An Easy Way to Teach Kids to be Grateful
Teaching kids how to be kind and grateful is so much harder than just telling them to share and be polite. It takes daily effort, but simple acts add up and it's much easier to fit into your life than you think. In our house we focus on acts of kindness after having had a really profound experience counting down to Christmas with random acts of Christmas kindness a few years ago. I knew it would be "good" for all of us at the time, but I really … [Read more...]
Silly Thanksgiving Jokes to Make Your Kids Laugh
If you're looking for some super-silly Thanksgiving jokes that are certain to have everyone cracking up, you're going to love these great free printables. One of the biggest perks of being together during the holidays happens to be the food and the conversations. But this Thanksgiving holiday, it's time to let your children take it up a notch and try out their delivery and timing with jokes. The best part about these hilarious … [Read more...]
Clothespin Turkey Math Games
When kids are asking you if they can please play a math game then you know its a fun one. Especially if the game isn't from a store and can be easily made a home for very little time or money like these clothespin turkey math games! A simple paper plate turkey becomes a hands on game that helps kids practice math skills. Put them in a resealable bag and you'll have a fun busy bag activity you can use for quiet time or take with you on the … [Read more...]
Edible Pumpkin Pie Play Dough
Happy National Play Dough Day! Yep. It's totally a real thing. And we're celebrating with a brand new play dough recipe--edible pumpkin pie play dough! We love play dough and we love science experiments so we experimented with coming up with a pumpkin pie play dough that was totally edible and not just non-toxic. After some testing we came up with one that worked! Edible Pumpkin Pie Play Dough Recipe 2 tablespoons pumpkin flavored … [Read more...]
Paper Roll Pattern Turkey Craft
This time of year, we love to create fun turkey crafts! Besides being cute, they are fun to make. When a little learning is mixed into the crafting, the kids have fun and don't even realize they are learning skills and concepts. We made these paper roll turkeys with pattern feathers and worked on color identification with the younger kids and complex patterns with the Kindergarten-aged kids. Turkey Craft with Pattern Feathers For this turkey … [Read more...]
Paper Plate Turkey Craft
Gobble gobble! These turkey paper plate crafts are simple enough for preschoolers to make and with the addition of a craft stick can turn into puppets. Perfect for finger plays, storytelling and pretend play--I love when a craft becomes a play tool! Paper Plate Turkey Craft dessert size paper plate (if you want to turn it into a puppet, any size if not) construction paper googly eyes craft stick glue Cut feather shapes out of the … [Read more...]