Practicing sight words can be bor-ing! You can sort through the flash cards day after day, and while the kids might start to recognize their sight words, they will come to dread that little pile of paper words! It can be fun to try to come up with creative sight word activities to make learning fun and this Sight Word STEM Activity is definitely not boring!
Practice sight word recognition by using them to build three dimensional shapes like these cubes, using play dough and craft sticks.
Creative Sight Word STEM Activity for Kids
This sight word activity is a fun way to work on sight words using just a few items that you probably have at home. We used craft sticks and a marker to create sight word sticks. Then, all it took was a container of play dough.
Grab a marker and write out the sight words that your child is working on. My kindergartner and second grader both have sight words so this worked for both of them. Ask your child to name the sight words as they build the shapes. Mine had fun saying things like, “I need to build ‘now’ on this part of the square.”
Start building shapes! We found that building two dimensional shapes with a lot of play dough at the corners helped to keep the shapes connected. When the base of the shape is sturdy, add in sight word sticks that stick strait up at the corners. Then, gently place another square on the top of the cube.
STEM Play Dough Activity
This STEM activity required engineering to build the cube. Due to the weight of the play dough, it takes a bit of tinkering to make a cube shape that stands up. We talked about the three dimensional shapes and how to make different planes. These math terms go along with the terms that my kindergartner is learning in his math class.
What sight word shapes can you build?
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