One of the basic rules of parenting is that kids are willing to play quietly as long as you don't need them to. The second you need to make a call or get into the shower they "need" you or immediately get into everything and anything they aren't supposed to play with!That's why busy bags and quiet time activities are so popular with parents of younger kids. We all need to be able to pull something out to keep the kids happy so we can get something … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Spice Latte Play Dough
Each fall I have a problem. Most of the time I see the glass as half full and am pretty happy, but not this time of year. This time of year is tough. You see, I have fall envy. It's a common occurrence for us Floridians, especially for those of us who grew up elsewhere. I grew up in upstate NY and fall is the time the northern states shine. Beautiful leaves, homemade cider, crisp boot-wearing weather...I can almost smell it. Luckily … [Read more...]
Easy Preschool Play Dough Matching Activity
Would your preschooler like a super fun boredom buster that doubles as a learning activity? What about one that you can prep for them in less than a minute? Now what if I told you it was the same activity? Because it is! This super simple and totally fun preschool play dough matching activity is one your kids will play again and again! Play Dough Matching Activity In our house the easy activities are the ones that actually get done! … [Read more...]
Edible Pumpkin Pie Play Dough
Happy National Play Dough Day! Yep. It's totally a real thing. And we're celebrating with a brand new play dough recipe--edible pumpkin pie play dough! We love play dough and we love science experiments so we experimented with coming up with a pumpkin pie play dough that was totally edible and not just non-toxic. After some testing we came up with one that worked! Edible Pumpkin Pie Play Dough Recipe 2 tablespoons pumpkin flavored … [Read more...]
Homemade Valentine for Kids: Play Dough Snowman
My kids love to make homemade valentines to for their classes each year. The key for us to to keep the valentines simple enough that they don't want to stop before they have enough for all of their friends.One super easy idea is to use our white play dough recipe to make homemade snowman valentines!DIY Play Dough Valentine:DIY snowman valentines are so easy and there is really no wrong way to do it! Basically you need to decorate the snack … [Read more...]
Chocolate Pudding Play Dough Recipe
This chocolate pudding play dough smells delicious and is a lot of fun to play with! To be honest though, it was something of an accident. We were trying to create a Fudgesicle-type dough similar to our Orange Creamsicle Dough, and while this one was more creamy than fudgey, it is one we can't wait to make again! Chocolate Pudding Play Dough 2 cups of cornstarch 1 box of chocolate pudding mix 3/4 cup of vanilla hair conditioner squirt … [Read more...]
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Activity
Mo Willems' Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! (affiliate link) is one of our favorite books so we were thrilled to see that it was one of the choices for this month's Virtual Book Club for Kids! We came up with a super fun Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! activity {a play dough kit!} to go along with the story. For anyone who doesn't know, the Virtual Book Club for Kids is a monthly series where we feature a different author each month and … [Read more...]
Strawberry Patch Counting Game
We LOVE playdough at my house! It is one of the most often played with sensory materials at my house. The kids are just happy to sit down with playdough and their playdough scissors. When I have time I love to find new and fun ways to let them explore with playdough. If we can add a little learning in there, all the better. That is what I did today. I set them up with a Strawberry Patch Counting Game. And if you know me, you know I made a fresh … [Read more...]